Electives by medical students and other healthcare professionals have been popular for many years and have benefited both the students and the hosts. Demand is very high and places are often booked for at least a year ahead. It is unlikely that you will find an elective placement at Kisiizi at short notice.Click on the individual links below for:
- Accommodation and Payment for students on Electives KISIIZI-ELECTIVE-STUDENT-PACKAGE-05-2022
- Guidelines for Visitors & Volunteers Visitor-Guidelines
This packet was last updated in August 2023. If there is anything that you would like to update or add, please let us know Visitor Resource 2023
- Kisiizi Safeguarding Policies – please read before you come to Kisiizi KH Safeguarding Vulnerable Children and Adults Stre@mline 2018 KH Child Sponsorship Programme Safeguarding Policy Stre@mline 2018
- Kisiizi Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP) guidelines 2016 KH PEP GUIDELINES from MOH 12-2016
- To check availability for the dates you are considering Kisiizi Electives Availability Calendar.

Please note that Kigali airport is significantly closer than Entebbe so visitors may choose to fly to Kigali. The fares are sometimes more expensive, and some nationalities will need a Rwandan Visa. However, the journey to Kisiizi is much shorter in terms of distance and time. It is an hour or so from Entebbe to Kampala and then about 7 – 8 hours drive from Kampala to Kisiizi, longer on some forms of public transport of course.
After reading and studying the above, any volunteer or elective student, please apply using the following form KH-Visitor-Application-Form-v3
Download this word document, complete it and then email it to the Electives co-ordinator if you are a student or to the Medical Superintendent if you offering short-term service.
At present the number of students at any one time is limited to six in order to ensure we can accommodate them and supervise them adequately.
Please contact Dr Barak St. John, Electives Co-ordinator, on khelectives@gmail.com for further information.
or Medical Superintendent on khmedsup@gmail.com
Thank you.