Our out-patient department [OPD] is a 24 hour facility that functions as an Accident and Emergency department as well as running out-patient clinics. Most clinics are “drop in” though some specialist clinics such as Surgery and Gynaecology are appointment based.
As well as the general clinics we run monthly special clinics in Hypertension, Diabetes, Asthma and Cardiac problems. We have a daily HIV clinic in the working week, dental and eye clinics and frequent Ante-Natal clinics. Immunisation is offered on most days and family spacing advice is available.
Children are mainly seen in a separate waiting area and clinic room. Mental Health clinics are currently run in a room in the Mental Health ward but we intend to move them to rooms in the general OPD once the workshop currently occupying the room has been moved.
We have installed two tv screens for Health Promotion local-language videos that we are making here.