KH Community Health Insurance

khis logoThe first scheme of its kind in Uganda, Kisiizi Hospital Community Health Insurance Scheme is remarkable.  It has grown over the years and now has around 40,500 members up to 50 or 60 km from Kisiizi.

Members belong to groups, 207 in number, that originated from the engozi community funeral / burial groups.


insurance window eengozi photo kisiizi health





Members pay an annual premium equivalent to only 4 – 6 US Dollars for cover for all emergency health problems and acute illness.






The 207 community groups are enthusiastic about the scheme recognising it is a not-for-profit programme that means they are accessing quality health care at the lowest possible prices.


KHIS group network



Leaders of Community Health Insurance Scheme

Leaders of Community Health Insurance Scheme


Information leaflet:

KHIS leaflet for public

Key features needed for a successful scheme:

1]  Community trust that the provider can deliver:  for example, if I become sick and need an operation in the middle of the night, will the service be available and safe?

2]  Community involvement and engagement:  a sense of ownership

3]  Not-for-profit motivation:  This leads to the community trusting the Scheme knowing that we are not trying to gain a profit from them but simply trying to provide a good service and just balance our books.  Kisiizi does not have any donor support for the Scheme which works by spreading risk across large numbers of beneficiaries.

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