Author Archives: web editor
Abandoned Baby Angel
At the end of January, we had an extra-special arrival at Kisiizi Special Care Baby Unit (SCBU). Most babies come to us with their mothers, but now and then we get a baby brought by a well-wisher. This baby was found in a forest, under a pile of wood with insect bites on her face. The well-wishers who discovered her, took her to a river to check for signs of life. It was clear she was ready to feed, and she drank the water. They then thought the baby needed medical attention and brought her to Kisiizi. When she arrived, she was treated for minor illnesses. She improved quickly, and over the past few weeks the team at SCBU have given her love, care, milk and clothes and she in return has given us joy in our hearts. The baby was brought to morning chapel once she was well and Sister Sayuni requested offerings to help towards her ongoing care needs; soap, infant formula, clothes, blankets, nappies and Vaseline. It was a joyous occasion welcoming this baby into our community by showering her with love and prayers, and on behalf of the baby, we would like to thank every person who supported her that day and during her stay in Kisiizi. She continues to do well, and we are so grateful that someone has decided to welcome her into their family and plan to take her home soon. We hope that she grows up to be a kind, confident and happy young girl and that she knows that despite the early sadness in her life, she has been loved, and will continue to be loved greatly by the Kisiizi community.

Please see the links below to a wide range of interesting video clips on Youtube from Friends Day illustrating many aspects of Kisiizi ministries.
you may need to download the file to then open the pdf file to then open the links.
Job Advert
I am pleased to announce that Kisiizi is looking to employ an Orthopaedic Officer and Field Officer (for the Health Cooperative Scheme).
For more information and how to apply please see link below:
Kisiizi Update Newsletter April / May 2023
JOB ADVERTS: Lab Assistant, Bursar, Counsellor
Please review job descriptions and apply to email within the document.
Many thanks
JOB ADVERT: Palliative Care Nurse
Please click the link to read the Palliative Care Nurse job description and how to apply.