Our Ophthalmic Clinical Officer and his assistant run the regular Eye Clinic and screen patients to be seen by our visiting specialist team from Ruharo Eye Clinic in Mbarara, led by Dr. Keith Waddell who has been coming to Kisiizi for many decades providing ophthalmological surgery.
Conditions seen include allergic conjunctivitis, catarract, glaucoma, refractive errors etc. Thankfully we rarely see trachoma now, but tragically we do sometimes see avoidable blindness in patients who were so uncomfortable with their itching eyes due to allergic conjunctivitis that they resorted to local herbal treatment which may damage the eyes permanently.
This issue is directly related to our inability at present to send out Eye Clinics into the surrounding region with a result that patients cannot access the appropriate treatment and resort to local methods. We simply need the cost of diesel to allow us to send one of our vehicles out with the ophthalmic clinical officer and a support nurse.